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The plum belongs to the botanical family Rosaceae, subgenus Prunoideae, together with other stone fruit like peaches, cherries, and apricots. Most plums are divided into two major groups: Japanese plums (diploid) and European plums (hexaploid) which adapt to colder climates. Curiously enough, the Japanese plum appeared in China next to the Yangtze River and currently prevails in the east of the country.

In Japan, in addition to commercial cultivation, plum trees are often used to decorate gardens and some trees are more than 100 years old. The European plum is estimated as originating from Asia Minor but prehistoric stone analyses in the Swiss valleys point to this species being indigenous of Europe.


There are considerable differences between each plum variety. You cannot say one is better than the other because all of them have benefits.

info per 100 ml

Energy 41kcal
Water 88g
Proteins 0,8g
Total fat 0,2g
Carbohydrates 7,4g
Dietary fiber 1,9g



From flavour to knowledge, there is more fruit to meet and taste.

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